Find out what your first match stands for!

Moon Card

This card represents your inner world. There's an urging to turn your intuition and dreams during this time to assist you.

Apple Card

This card represents your knowledge. The apple tree represent the temptation of sensual pleasures that may take one's focus away from the Divine.

Chariot Card

This card represents is about overcoming conflicts.You need to keep on moving and it will eventually go in the right direction. Your hardwork and commitment will work

Lovers Card

This card represents your relationship and choices. You are likely in a crossroad or have some conflict in a relationship that's either platonic, romantic or professional.

Strength Card

This card represents your triumph. There might be a triumphant conclusion to a major life event or situation that you are going through.

Wheel of Fortune Card

This card represents the wheel of life. There is some luck or destiny coming your way. Look out!

Wine Card

This card represents your coming of age. It's a standard symbol of the virtue temperance, one of the cardinal virtues, representing the dilution of wine with water.

Sun Card

This card represents your optimistic and bright world. It portends good fortune, happiness, joy and harmony.